- Category: Spinning
Ramella Carding machine
amella Carding machine
needle punching 3500 line
Carding machine by ramella 2,5 mt double tambur singlwe doffer with the condenser
Crosslapper2N 3000 inlet , 4 mt outlet speed 50 mt/min
Pre needleloom Automatex PR 30 T , width 3,5 mt , 5000 needle one board top stroke 60 m/m 1000 rpm
Needleloom by Fehrer NL 21 width 4,4 mt , 3000+3000 needle double doards botton, stroke 40 m/m, 1100 rpm
End of the line by MTV witdth 3,5 mt , with the longitudinal cutter,
Ref. No..BPMB714114